Celestin Apprentice 7
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NIH Image 1.62b11
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840 lines
unit Background;
{* by Michael Castle and Janice Keller *}
{* University of Michigan Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI) *}
{* e-mail address: mike.castle@umich.edu *}
{* Rolling ball and rolling disk algorithms inspired by Stanley Sternberg's article, "Biomedical *}
{* Image Processing", IEEE Computer, January 1983. Discussions with Rork Kuick and Tom *}
{* Ford-Holevinski also contributed to the development of the algorithms and improvements in their *}
{* efficiency. *}
Types, Memory, QuickDraw, Packages, Menus, Events, Fonts, Scrap, ToolUtils, Resources, Errors, Palettes, Windows,
globals, Utilities, Graphics, Camera, Filters;
procedure DoBackgroundMenuEvent (MenuItem: integer);
IntRow = array[0..MaxLine] of Integer;
BackSubKindType = (RollingHorizontalArc, RollingVerticalArc, RollingBothArcs, RollingBall);
ArcTrimPer: integer; {trim off percentage of each side of the rolling ball patch}
shrinkfactor: integer; {shrink the image and ball by this factor before rolling ball}
BackSubKind: BackSubKindType; {which kind of background subtraction are we doing}
IntPlotWidth: Boolean;
Intplotwidthval: integer;
BoundRect: rect;
xxcenter, yycenter: integer; {center of rectangular mask used in MinIn2DMask}
xmaskmin, ymaskmin: integer; {upper left corner of mask used in AvgIn2DMask}
backgroundptr, ballptr, smallimageptr: ptr; {ptrs to background, rolling ball, shrunk image memory}
backgroundaddr, balladdr, smallimageaddr: longint; {addrs of background, rolling ball shrunk image memory}
patchwidth: LongInt; {x or y dimension of the rolling ball patch}
leftroll, rightroll, toproll, bottomroll: integer; {bounds of the shrunk image}
Aborting: boolean;
procedure RollBall;
{* RollBall 'rolls' a filtering object over a (shrunken) image in order to find the image's smooth continuous *}
{* background. For the purpose of explaining this algorithm, imagine that the 2D grayscale image has a third *}
{* (height) dimension defined by the intensity value (0-255) at every point in the image. The center of the *}
{* filtering object, a patch from the top of a sphere having radius BallRadius, is moved along each scan line of *}
{* the image so that the patch is tangent to the image at one or more points with every other point on the patch *}
{* below the corresponding (x,y) point of the image. Any point either on or below the patch during this process*}
{* is considered part of the background. Shrinking the image before running this procedure is advised due to *}
{* the fourth-degree complexity of the algorithm. Care has been taken to avoid unnecessary operations (exp. *}
{* multiplication inside loops) in this code. *}
halfpatchwidth, {distance in x or y from patch center to any edge}
ptsbelowlastpatch, {number of points we may ignore because they were below last patch}
left, right, top, bottom, {}
xpt, ypt, {current (x,y) point in the shrunken image}
xpt2, ypt2, {current (x,y) point in the patch relative to upper left corner}
xval, yval, {location in ball in shrunken image coordinates}
zdif, {difference in z (height) between point on ball and point on image}
zmin, {smallest zdif for ball patch with center at current point}
zctr, {current height of the center of the sphere of which the patch is a part}
zadd: integer; {height of a point on patch relative to the xy-plane of the shrunken image}
ballpt, {index to chunk of memory storing the precomputed ball patch}
imgpt, {index to chunk of memory storing the shrunken image}
backgrpt, {index to chunk of memory storing the calculated background}
ybackgrpt, {displacement to current background scan line}
ybackgrinc, {distance in memory between two shrunken y-points in background}
smallimagewidth: longint; {length of a scan line in shrunken image}
p1, p2: ptr; {temporary pointers to background, ball, or small image}
UpdateMeter(20, 'Finding Background...');
left := 1;
right := rightroll - leftroll - 1;
top := 1;
bottom := bottomroll - toproll - 1;
smallimagewidth := right - left + 3;
halfpatchwidth := patchwidth div 2;
ybackgrinc := shrinkfactor * (BoundRect.right - BoundRect.left); {real dist btwn 2 adjacent (dy=1) shrunk pts}
zctr := 0; {start z-center in the xy-plane}
for ypt := top to (bottom + patchwidth) do begin
for xpt := left to (right + patchwidth) do {while patch is tangent to edges or within image...}
begin {xpt is far right edge of ball patch}
{do we have to move the patch up or down to make it tangent to but not above image?...}
zmin := 255; {highest could ever be 255}
ballpt := balladdr;
ypt2 := ypt - patchwidth; {ypt2 is top edge of ball patch}
imgpt := smallimageaddr + ypt2 * smallimagewidth + xpt - patchwidth;
while ypt2 <= ypt do begin
xpt2 := xpt - patchwidth; {xpt2 is far left edge of ball patch}
while xpt2 <= xpt do {check every point on ball patch}
begin {only examine points on }
if ((xpt2 >= left) and (xpt2 <= right) and (ypt2 >= top) and (ypt2 <= bottom)) then begin
p1 := ptr(ballpt);
p2 := ptr(imgpt);
zdif := BAND(p2^, 255) - (zctr + BAND(p1^, 255)); {curve - circle points}
if (zdif < zmin) then begin {keep most negative, since ball should always be below curve}
zmin := zdif;
end; {if xpt2,ypt2}
ballpt := ballpt + 1; {step thru the ball patch memory}
xpt2 := xpt2 + 1;
imgpt := imgpt + 1;
end; {while xpt2 }
ypt2 := ypt2 + 1;
imgpt := imgpt - patchwidth - 1 + smallimagewidth;
end; {while ypt2}
if (zmin <> 0) then
zctr := zctr + zmin; {move ball up or down if we find a new minimum}
if (zmin < 0) then
ptsbelowlastpatch := halfpatchwidth {ignore left half of ball patch when dz < 0}
ptsbelowlastpatch := 0;
{now compare every point on ball with background, and keep highest number}
yval := ypt - patchwidth;
ypt2 := 0;
ballpt := balladdr;
ybackgrpt := backgroundaddr + (yval - top + 1) * ybackgrinc;
while ypt2 <= patchwidth do begin
xval := xpt - patchwidth + ptsbelowlastpatch;
xpt2 := ptsbelowlastpatch;
ballpt := ballpt + ptsbelowlastpatch;
backgrpt := ybackgrpt + (xval - left + 1) * shrinkfactor;
while xpt2 <= patchwidth do begin {for all the points in the ball patch}
if ((xval >= left) and (xval <= right) and (yval >= top) and (yval <= bottom)) then begin
p1 := ptr(ballpt);
zadd := zctr + BAND(p1^, 255);
p1 := ptr(backgrpt);
if (zadd > BAND(p1^, 255)) then {keep largest adjustment}
p1^ := zadd;
ballpt := ballpt + 1;
xval := xval + 1;
xpt2 := xpt2 + 1;
backgrpt := backgrpt + shrinkfactor; {move to next point in x}
end; {while xpt2}
yval := yval + 1;
ypt2 := ypt2 + 1;
ybackgrpt := ybackgrpt + ybackgrinc; {move to next point in y}
end; {while ypt2}
end; {for xpt }
if ((ypt mod 5) = 0) or not FasterBackgroundSubtraction then begin
UpdateMeter(20 + (ord4(ypt - top) * 70) div (bottom + patchwidth - top), 'Finding Background...');
if CommandPeriod then begin
Aborting := true;
end; {for ypt}
function MinIn2DMask {(xmaskmin,ymaskmin: integer)}
: integer;
{* MinInMask finds the minimum pixel value in a shrinkfactor X shrinkfactor mask. *}
i, j, {loop indices to step through mask}
thispixel, {value at current pixel in mask}
min, {temporary minimum value in mask}
nextrowoffset: integer; {distance in memory from end of mask in this row to beginning in next}
paddr: longint; {address of current mask pixel}
p: ptr; {pointer to current pixel in mask}
with info^ do begin
min := 255;
nextrowoffset := bytesperrow - shrinkfactor;
paddr := ord4(PicBaseAddr) + ymaskmin * bytesperrow + xmaskmin;
for j := 1 to shrinkfactor do begin
for i := 1 to shrinkfactor do begin
p := ptr(paddr);
thispixel := BAND(p^, 255);
if (thispixel < min) then
min := thispixel;
paddr := paddr + 1;
end; {for i}
paddr := paddr + nextrowoffset;
end; {for j}
MinIn2DMask := min;
end; {with}
procedure GetRollingBall;
{* This procedure computes the location of each point on the rolling ball patch relative to the center of the *}
{* sphere containing it. The patch is located in the top half of this sphere. The vertical axis of the sphere *}
{* passes through the center of the patch. The projection of the patch in the xy-plane below is a square. *}
rsquare, {rolling ball radius squared}
xtrim, {# of pixels trimmed off each end of ball to make patch}
xval, yval, {x,y-values on patch relative to center of rolling ball}
smallballradius, diam, {radius and diameter of rolling ball}
temp, {value must be >=0 to take square root}
halfpatchwidth: integer; {distance in x or y from center of patch to any edge}
i, {index into rolling ball patch memory}
ballsize: LongInt; {size of rolling ball memory}
p: ptr; {pointer to current point on the ball patch}
smallballradius := ballradius div shrinkfactor; {operate on small-sized image with small-sized ball}
if smallballradius < 1 then
smallballradius := 1;
rsquare := smallballradius * smallballradius;
diam := smallballradius * 2;
xtrim := (ArcTrimPer * diam) div 100; {only use a patch of the rolling ball}
patchwidth := diam - xtrim - xtrim;
halfpatchwidth := smallballradius - xtrim; {this is half the patch width}
ballsize := (patchwidth + 1) * (patchwidth + 1);
ballptr := NewPtrClear(ballsize);
p := ballptr;
for i := 0 to ballsize - 1 do begin
xval := i mod (patchwidth + 1) - halfpatchwidth;
yval := i div (patchwidth + 1) - halfpatchwidth;
temp := rsquare - (xval * xval) - (yval * yval);
if (temp >= 0) then
p^ := round(sqrt(temp))
p^ := 0;
p := ptr(ord4(p) + 1);
procedure InterpolateBackground2D; {(leftroll, rightroll, toproll, bottomroll: integer; backgroundaddr: longint)}
{* This procedure uses bilinear interpolation to find the points in the full-scale background given the points *}
{* from the shrunken image background. Since the shrunken background is found from an image composed of *}
{* minima (over a sufficiently large mask), it is certain that no point in the full-scale interpolated *}
{* background has a higher pixel value than the corresponding point in the original image. *}
i, ii, {horizontal loop indices}
j, jj, {vertical loop indices}
hloc, vloc, {position of current pixel in calculated background}
vinc, {memory offset from current calculated pos to current interpolated pos}
lastvalue, nextvalue: integer; {calculated pixel values between which we are interpolating}
p, {pointer to current interpolated pixel value}
bglastptr, bgnextptr: ptr; {pointers to calculated pixel values between which we are interpolating}
width: LongInt;
vloc := 0;
with BoundRect do begin
width := right - left;
for j := 1 to bottomroll - toproll - 1 do begin {interpolate to find background interior}
hloc := 0;
vloc := vloc + shrinkfactor;
for i := 1 to rightroll - leftroll do begin
hloc := hloc + shrinkfactor;
bgnextptr := ptr(backgroundaddr + vloc * width + hloc);
bglastptr := ptr(ord4(bgnextptr) - shrinkfactor);
nextvalue := BAND(bgnextptr^, 255);
lastvalue := BAND(bglastptr^, 255);
for ii := 1 to shrinkfactor - 1 do begin {interpolate horizontally}
p := ptr(ord4(bgnextptr) - ii);
p^ := lastvalue + (shrinkfactor - ii) * (nextvalue - lastvalue) div shrinkfactor;
end; {for ii}
for ii := 0 to shrinkfactor - 1 do begin {interpolate vertically}
bglastptr := ptr(backgroundaddr + (vloc - shrinkfactor) * width + hloc - ii);
bgnextptr := ptr(backgroundaddr + vloc * width + hloc - ii);
lastvalue := BAND(bglastptr^, 255);
nextvalue := BAND(bgnextptr^, 255);
vinc := 0;
for jj := 1 to shrinkfactor - 1 do begin
vinc := vinc - right + left;
p := ptr(ord4(bgnextptr) + vinc);
p^ := lastvalue + (shrinkfactor - jj) * (nextvalue - lastvalue) div shrinkfactor;
end; {for jj}
end; {for ii}
end; {for i}
end; {for j}
end; {with boundrect}
procedure ExtrapolateBackground2D; {(leftroll, rightroll, toproll, bottomroll: integer; backgroundaddr: longint)}
{* This procedure uses linear extrapolation to find pixel values on the top, left, right, and bottom edges of *}
{* the background. First it finds the top and bottom edge points by extrapolating from the edges of the *}
{* calculated and interpolated background interior. Then it uses the edge points on the new calculated, *}
{* interpolated, and extrapolated background to find all of the left and right edge points. If extrapolation yields *}
{* values below zero or above 255, then they are set to zero and 255 respectively. *}
ii, jj, {horizontal and vertical loop indices}
hloc, vloc, {position of current pixel in calculated/interpolated background}
edgeslope, {difference of last two consecutive pixel values on an edge}
pvalue, {current extrapolated pixel value}
lastvalue, nextvalue: integer; {calculated pixel values from which we are extrapolating}
p, {pointer to current extrapolated pixel value}
bglastptr, bgnextptr: ptr; {pointers to calculated pixel values from which we are extrapolating}
width: LongInt;
with BoundRect do begin
width := right - left;
for hloc := shrinkfactor to shrinkfactor * (rightroll - leftroll) - 1 do begin {extrapolate on top and bottom}
bglastptr := ptr(backgroundaddr + shrinkfactor * width + hloc);
bgnextptr := ptr(backgroundaddr + (shrinkfactor + 1) * width + hloc);
lastvalue := BAND(bglastptr^, 255);
nextvalue := BAND(bgnextptr^, 255);
edgeslope := nextvalue - lastvalue;
p := bglastptr;
pvalue := lastvalue;
for jj := 1 to shrinkfactor do begin
p := ptr(ord4(p) - right + left);
pvalue := pvalue - edgeslope;
if (pvalue < 0) then
p^ := 0
else if (pvalue > 255) then
p^ := 255
p^ := pvalue;
end; {for jj}
bglastptr := ptr(backgroundaddr + (shrinkfactor * (bottomroll - toproll - 1) - 1) * width + hloc);
bgnextptr := ptr(backgroundaddr + shrinkfactor * (bottomroll - toproll - 1) * width + hloc);
lastvalue := BAND(bglastptr^, 255);
nextvalue := BAND(bgnextptr^, 255);
edgeslope := nextvalue - lastvalue;
p := bgnextptr;
pvalue := nextvalue;
for jj := 1 to (bottom - top - 1) - shrinkfactor * (bottomroll - toproll - 1) do begin
p := ptr(ord4(p) + right - left);
pvalue := pvalue + edgeslope;
if (pvalue < 0) then
p^ := 0
else if (pvalue > 255) then
p^ := 255
p^ := pvalue;
end; {for jj}
end; {for hloc}
for vloc := top to bottom - 1 do begin {extrapolate on left and right}
bglastptr := ptr(backgroundaddr + (vloc - top) * width + shrinkfactor);
bgnextptr := ptr(ord4(bglastptr) + 1);
lastvalue := BAND(bglastptr^, 255);
nextvalue := BAND(bgnextptr^, 255);
edgeslope := nextvalue - lastvalue;
p := bglastptr;
pvalue := lastvalue;
for ii := 1 to shrinkfactor do begin
p := ptr(ord4(p) - 1);
pvalue := pvalue - edgeslope;
if (pvalue < 0) then
p^ := 0
else if (pvalue > 255) then
p^ := 255
p^ := pvalue;
end; {for ii}
bgnextptr := ptr(backgroundaddr + (vloc - top) * width + shrinkfactor * (rightroll - leftroll - 1) - 1);
bglastptr := ptr(ord4(bgnextptr) - 1);
lastvalue := BAND(bglastptr^, 255);
nextvalue := BAND(bgnextptr^, 255);
edgeslope := nextvalue - lastvalue;
p := bgnextptr;
pvalue := nextvalue;
for ii := 1 to (right - left - 1) - shrinkfactor * (rightroll - leftroll - 1) + 1 do begin
p := ptr(ord4(p) + 1);
pvalue := pvalue + edgeslope;
if (pvalue < 0) then
p^ := 0
else if (pvalue > 255) then
p^ := 255
p^ := pvalue;
end; {for ii}
end; {for vloc}
end; {with BoundRect}
procedure SubtractBackground2D;
{* This procedure subtracts each pixel from the calculated/interpolated/extrapolated background from the *}
{* corresponding pixel value in the original image. The resulting image is stored in place of the original *}
{* image. Any pixel subtractions with results below zero are given the value zero. *}
hloc, vloc, {current pixel location in image and background}
pvalue: integer; {difference at current pixel location}
offset, {offset in memory from beginning of original image to current scan line}
backgrpt: LongInt; {offset to current point in background}
p: ptr; {temporary pointer to image or background points}
Databand: Linetype; {current scan line in image}
ControlKey: boolean;
backgrpt := 0;
ControlKey := ControlKeyDown;
with Info^, BoundRect do begin
for vloc := top to bottom - 1 do begin
GetLine(0, vloc, pixelsperline, Databand);
for hloc := left to right - 1 do begin
p := ptr(backgroundaddr + backgrpt);
pvalue := Databand[hloc] - BAND(p^, 255);
if ControlKey then
pvalue := BAND(p^, 255);
if pvalue < 0 then
Databand[hloc] := 0
Databand[hloc] := pvalue;
backgrpt := backgrpt + 1;
end; {for}
offset := vloc * BytesPerRow;
p := ptr(ord4(PicBaseAddr) + offset);
BlockMove(@Databand, p, pixelsperline);
end; {for}
end; {with}
procedure Background2D;
{* This procedure implements a rolling-ball algorithm for the removal of smooth continuous background *}
{* from a two-dimensional gel image. It rolls the ball (actually a square patch on the top of a sphere) on a *}
{* low-resolution (by a factor of 'shrinkfactor' times) copy of the original image in order to increase speed *}
{* with little loss in accuracy. It uses interpolation and extrapolation to blow the shrunk image to full size. *}
tport: Grafptr;
i, {loop index for shrunk image memory}
backgroundsize, {size of the background memory}
smallimagesize: LongInt; {size of the shrunk image memory}
p: ptr; {pointer to current pixel in shrunk image memory}
table: FateTable; {not used}
width: LongInt;
UpdateMeter(0, 'Building Rolling Ball...');
with Info^ do begin
BoundRect := roiRect;
GetRollingBall; {precompute the rolling ball}
UpdateMeter(3, 'Building Rolling Ball...');
balladdr := ord4(ballptr);
with BoundRect do begin
width := right - left;
leftroll := left div shrinkfactor; {left and right edges of shrunken image or roi}
rightroll := right div shrinkfactor - 1; {on which to roll ball}
toproll := top div shrinkfactor;
bottomroll := bottom div shrinkfactor - 1;
backgroundsize := width * (bottom - top);
backgroundptr := NewPtrClear(backgroundsize);
Aborting := backgroundptr = nil;
backgroundaddr := ord4(backgroundptr);
smallimagesize := ord4(rightroll - leftroll + 1);
smallimagesize := smallimagesize * (bottomroll - toproll + 1);
smallimageptr := NewPtrClear(smallimagesize);
Aborting := Aborting or (smallimageptr = nil);
smallimageaddr := ord4(smallimageptr);
if not aborting then begin
UpdateMeter(6, 'Smoothing Image ');
filter(unweightedAvg, 1, table); {smooth image before shrinking}
UpdateMeter(10, concat('Shrinking Image ', long2str(shrinkfactor), ' times...'));
for i := 0 to smallimagesize - 1 do begin {create a lower resolution image for ball-rolling}
p := ptr(smallimageaddr + i);
xmaskmin := left + shrinkfactor * (i mod (rightroll - leftroll + 1));
ymaskmin := top + shrinkfactor * (i div (rightroll - leftroll + 1));
p^ := MinIn2DMask; {each point in small image is minimum of its neighborhood}
if not aborting then begin
Undo; {restore original unsmoothed image}
if not Aborting then begin
UpdateMeter(90, 'Interpolating Background...');
InterpolateBackground2D; {interpolate to find background interior}
UpdateMeter(95, 'Extrapolating Background...');
ExtrapolateBackground2D; {extrapolate on top and bottom}
UpdateMeter(98, 'Subtracting Background...');
SubtractBackground2D; {subtract background from original image}
UpdateMeter(100, 'Subtracting Background...');
end; {with boundrect}
DisposePtr(backgroundptr); {free up background, rolling ball, shrunk image memory}
MeterWindow := nil;
procedure RollArc (left, rightminusone, diam: integer; var background, ballpoints: IntRow; var Dataline: Linetype);
xpt, xpt2, xval, ydif, ymin, yctr, bpt, yadd: integer;
for xpt := left to rightminusone do begin
background[xpt] := -255; {init background curve to minimum values}
yctr := 0; {start y-center at the x axis}
for xpt := left to (rightminusone + diam - 1) do {while semicircle is tangent to edges or within curve...}
begin {xpt is far right edge of semi-circle}
{do we have to move the circle?...}
ymin := 256; {highest could ever be 255}
bpt := 0;
xpt2 := xpt - diam; {xpt2 is far left edge of semi-circle}
while xpt2 <= xpt do {check every point on semicircle}
if ((xpt2 >= left) and (xpt2 <= rightminusone)) then begin {only examine points on curve}
ydif := dataline[xpt2] - (yctr + ballpoints[bpt]); {curve minus circle points}
if (ydif < ymin) then begin {keep most negative, since ball should always be below curve}
ymin := ydif;
end; {if xpt2 }
bpt := bpt + 1;
xpt2 := xpt2 + 1;
end; {while xpt2 }
if (ymin <> 256) then{if we found a new minimum...}
yctr := yctr + ymin; {move circle up or down}
{now compare every point on semi with background, and keep highest number}
xval := xpt - diam;
xpt2 := 0;
while xpt2 <= diam do begin {for all the points in the semicircle}
if ((xval >= left) and (xval <= rightminusone)) then begin
yadd := yctr + ballpoints[xpt2];
if (yadd > background[xval]) then {keep largest adjustment}
background[xval] := yadd;
xval := xval + 1;
xpt2 := xpt2 + 1;
end; {while xpt2}
end; {for xpt }
function MinIn1DMask (var Databand: LineType; xcenter: integer): integer;
{* MinIn1DMask finds the minimum pixel value in a (2*shrinkfactor-1) mask about the point xcenter in the *}
{* current line. This code must run FAST because it gets called OFTEN! *}
i, {index to pixels in the mask}
temp: integer; {temporary minimum value}
temp := Databand[xcenter - shrinkfactor + 1];
for i := xcenter - shrinkfactor + 2 to xcenter + shrinkfactor - 1 do
if (Databand[i] < temp) then
temp := Databand[i];
MinIn1DMask := temp;
{* This procedure computes the location of each point on the rolling arc relative to the center of the circle *}
{* containing it. The arc is located in the top half of this circle. The vertical axis of the circle passes through *}
{* the midpoint of the arc. The projection of the arc on the x-axis below is a line segment. *}
procedure GetRollingArc (var arcpoints: IntRow; var arcwidth: integer);
xpt, {x-point along arc}
xval, {x-point in arc array}
rsquare, {shrunken arc radius squared}
xtrim, {points to be trimmed off each end of arc}
smallballradius, {radius of shrunken arc which actually rolls}
diam: integer; {diameter of shrunken arc's circle}
smallballradius := ballradius div shrinkfactor; { operate on small-sized image with small-sized ball}
rsquare := smallballradius * smallballradius;
for xpt := -smallballradius to smallballradius do { find the ballpoints for arc based at (x,y)=(0,0) }
xval := xpt + smallballradius; {offset, can't have negative index}
arcpoints[xval] := round(sqrt(abs(rsquare - (xpt * xpt)))); {Ys are positive, top half of circle}
diam := smallballradius * 2;
xtrim := (ArcTrimPer * diam) div 100; {how many points to trim off each end}
arcwidth := diam - xtrim - xtrim;
for xpt := -smallballradius to smallballradius - xtrim - xtrim do begin
xval := xpt + smallballradius;
arcpoints[xval] := arcpoints[xval + xtrim];
for xpt := smallballradius - xtrim - xtrim + 1 to smallballradius do begin
xval := xpt + smallballradius;
arcpoints[xval] := 0;
procedure ExtrapolateBackground1D (var Backline, Dataline: LineType; background: IntRow; leftroll, rightroll: integer);
{* This procedure uses linear extrapolation to find pixel values on the left and right edges of the current *}
{* line of the background. It finds the edge points by extrapolating from the edges of the calculated and *}
{* interpolated background interior. If extrapolation yields values below zero or above 255, then they are set *}
{* to zero and 255 respectively. *}
i, {index to edges of background array}
hloc, {}
edgeslope: integer; {}
with BoundRect do begin
edgeslope := (background[leftroll + 1] - background[leftroll + 2]) div shrinkfactor;
for i := left to shrinkfactor * (leftroll + 1) - 1 do begin {extrapolate on left edge}
hloc := shrinkfactor * (leftroll + 1) - 1 + left - i;
if (Backline[hloc + 1] + edgeslope < 0) then
Backline[hloc] := 0
else if (Backline[hloc + 1] + edgeslope > Dataline[hloc]) then
Backline[hloc] := Dataline[hloc]
Backline[hloc] := Backline[hloc + 1] + edgeslope;
edgeslope := (background[rightroll] - background[rightroll - 1]) div shrinkfactor;
for hloc := shrinkfactor * rightroll to right - 1 do begin {extrapolate on right edge}
if (Backline[hloc - 1] + edgeslope < 0) then
Backline[hloc] := 0
else if (Backline[hloc - 1] + edgeslope > Dataline[hloc]) then
Backline[hloc] := Dataline[hloc]
Backline[hloc] := Backline[hloc - 1] + edgeslope;
end; {with}
procedure Background1D;
tport: Grafptr;
hloc, arcwidth, leftroll, rightroll, numpixels: integer;
left, right, top, bottom: integer; {image bounds; ROTATED if RollingVerticalArc}
i, j, maskwidth: integer;
background, arcpoints: IntRow;
vloc, offset: LongInt;
p: ptr;
Dataline, Backline, Smalldataline: Linetype;
str: str255;
UpdateMeter(0, concat('Shrinking Image ', long2str(shrinkfactor), ' times...'));
with Info^ do begin
BoundRect := roiRect;
GetRollingArc(arcpoints, arcwidth);
maskwidth := shrinkfactor + shrinkfactor - 1;
case BackSubKind of
RollingHorizontalArc: begin
left := BoundRect.left;
top := BoundRect.top;
right := BoundRect.right;
bottom := BoundRect.bottom;
numpixels := Info^.pixelsperline;
str := 'Rolling Disk Horizontally...';
RollingVerticalArc: begin
left := BoundRect.top;
top := BoundRect.left;
right := BoundRect.bottom;
bottom := BoundRect.right;
numpixels := Info^.nlines;
str := 'Rolling Disk Vertically...';
end; {case}
leftroll := left div shrinkfactor; {left and right edges of shrunken image or roi}
rightroll := right div shrinkfactor - 1; {on which to roll arc}
for vloc := top to bottom - 1 do begin {for ROI}
case BackSubKind of
GetLine(0, vloc, numpixels, Dataline);
GetColumn(vloc, 0, numpixels, Dataline);
end; {case}
for i := leftroll + 1 to rightroll do
smalldataline[i] := MinIn1DMask(Dataline, shrinkfactor * i - 1);
RollArc(leftroll + 1, rightroll, arcwidth, background, arcpoints, smalldataline); {roll arc on one line}
for i := leftroll + 1 to rightroll do begin {interpolate to find interior background points}
hloc := shrinkfactor * i - 1;
Backline[hloc] := background[i];
for j := 1 to shrinkfactor - 1 do
Backline[hloc - j] := background[i - 1] + (shrinkfactor - j) * (background[i] - background[i - 1]) div shrinkfactor;
ExtrapolateBackground1D(Backline, Dataline, background, leftroll, rightroll);
for i := left to right - 1 do begin {subtract background from current scan line}
Dataline[i] := Dataline[i] - Backline[i];
if Dataline[i] < 0 then
Dataline[i] := 0;
case BackSubKind of
with Info^ do begin
offset := vloc * BytesPerRow;
p := ptr(ord4(PicBaseAddr) + offset);
BlockMove(@Dataline, p, numpixels); {fast whole line write}
PutColumn(vloc, 0, numpixels, Dataline); {slow whole column write}
end; {case}
if ((vloc mod 8) = 0) and (vloc > 16) then begin
UpdateMeter(((vloc - top) * 100) div (bottom - top - 1), str);
if CommandPeriod then begin
Aborting := true;
UpdateMeter(100, str);
MeterWindow := nil;
procedure SetUpGel;
frame: rect;
AutoSelectAll: boolean;
p: ptr;
if NotinBounds or NotRectangular then
AutoSelectAll := not Info^.RoiShowing;
if AutoSelectAll then
with info^ do begin
frame := roiRect;
if ((LutMode = GrayScale) or (LutMode = CustomGrayscale)) and (not IdentityFunction) then
changes := true;
case BackSubKind of
RollingHorizontalArc, RollingVerticalArc:
Background1D; {--------------> call background subtract <-------------------}
RollingBothArcs: begin
BackSubKind := RollingHorizontalArc; {remove horizontal streaks}
BackSubKind := RollingVerticalArc; {remove vertical streaks}
if not aborting then
BackSubKind := RollingBothArcs; {leave BackSubKind as we found it}
end; {case}
WhatToUndo := UndoFilter;
Info^.changes := true;
if AutoSelectAll then
if Aborting then begin
WhatToUndo := NothingToUndo;
procedure GetBallRadius;
SaveRadius: integer;
canceled: boolean;
SaveRadius := BallRadius;
BallRadius := GetInt('Rolling BallRadius:', BallRadius, canceled);
if (BallRadius < 1) or (BallRadius > 319) or canceled then begin
BallRadius := SaveRadius;
if not canceled then
procedure DoBackgroundMenuEvent (MenuItem: integer);
map_array: Ptr;
if MenuItem <= RemoveStreaksItem then
if not CheckCalibration
then exit(DoBackgroundMenuEvent);
MeterWindow := nil;
Aborting := false;
case MenuItem of
HorizontalItem, VerticalItem: begin
if FasterBackgroundSubtraction then begin
ArcTrimPer := 20;
shrinkfactor := 4;
else begin
ArcTrimPer := 10;
shrinkfactor := 2;
if MenuItem = HorizontalItem then
BackSubKind := RollingHorizontalArc
BackSubKind := RollingVerticalArc;
Sub2DItem: begin
if FasterBackgroundSubtraction then begin
if BallRadius > 15 then begin
ArcTrimPer := 20; {trim 40% in x and y}
shrinkfactor := 8;
else begin
ArcTrimPer := 16; {trim 32% in x and y}
shrinkfactor := 4;
else begin {faster not checked}
if BallRadius > 15 then begin
ArcTrimPer := 16; {trim 32% in x and y}
shrinkfactor := 4;
else begin
ArcTrimPer := 12; {trim 24% in x and y}
ShrinkFactor := 2;
BackSubKind := RollingBall;
RemoveStreaksItem: begin
ArcTrimPer := 20;
shrinkfactor := 4;
BackSubKind := RollingBothArcs;
FasterBackgroundSubtraction := not FasterBackgroundSubtraction;
end; {case}